Late 18th century Italian Marble Lions Figures after Canova
A Pair of Italian white Carrara marble sculptures depicting resting lions figures, inspired by the similar pair created in marble by Antonio Canova, standing besides the tomb of Pope Clement XIII in the Vatican San Pietro.
These figures come from a private home in Milan and date back to late 18th century. Wear, restorations and chips as per detailed pictures below.
Details with white background show the sculptures previous a conservative restoration and cleaning. Both figures had an orange gommalacca coating, now removed. See pictures with white background for restored figures.
AFTER ANTONIO CANOVA,Pair of antique sculptures in marble depicting two lions lounging on the basis boxy rectangular, the end of the eighteenth century.
Works by an unknown architect influenced by Canova, these marble figures refer to one of the best-known inventions of the Venetian sculptor, the famous lions guarding the monument to Clement XIII in St. Peter built in 1787. The two fairs, allegorical symbol of force, protect the door giving access to the papal tomb in the Vatican. The two lions met immediate success that was to turn into a varied production of elegant grand souvenir intended for tourists visiting the Eternal City, production destined to last for the whole of the nineteenth century.
The two figures are presented in fairly conservative state, with wear and restorations consistent with the dating of the late eighteenth century.Pair of antique sculptures in marble depicting two lions lounging on the basis boxy rectangular, the end of the eighteenth century.
Works by an unknown architect influenced by Canova, these marble figures refer to one of the best-known inventions of the Venetian sculptor, the famous lions guarding the monument to Clement XIII in St. Peter built in 1787. The two fairs, allegorical symbol of force, protect the door giving access to the papal tomb in the Vatican. The two lions met immediate success that was to turn into a varied production of elegant grand souvenir intended for tourists visiting the Eternal City, production destined to last for the whole of the nineteenth century.
The two figures are presented in fairly conservative state, with wear and restorations consistent with the dating of the late eighteenth century.Pair of antique sculptures in marble depicting two lions lounging on the basis boxy rectangular, the end of the eighteenth century.
Works by an unknown architect influenced by Canova, these marble figures refer to one of the best-known inventions of the Venetian sculptor, the famous lions guarding the monument to Clement XIII in St. Peter built in 1787. The two fairs, allegorical symbol of force, protect the door giving access to the papal tomb in the Vatican. The two lions met immediate success that was to turn into a varied production of elegant grand souvenir intended for tourists visiting the Eternal City, production destined to last for the whole of the nineteenth century.
The two figures are presented in fairly conservative state, with wear and restorations consistent with the dating of the late eighteenth century.raffiguranti leoni sdraiati, su base squadrata- usure, sbeccature – See more at:
raffiguranti leoni sdraiati, su base squadrata- usure, sbeccature – See more at:
Period: 1800
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